DNA holds our genetic information and the “blueprint” for life. It stores everything from your eye color, height, personality traits – you name it!
Most people have heard that a person’s genome can be compared to an operating system of a computer; however, your genome has many more layers than that of a computer.
The "A.I." Within Your Cells
When you think about it, your body has a supercomputer made of cells that processes information and makes decisions based on signals received from sensors (or neurotransmitters) which easily rival the capabilities of any modern-day computer software.
As Bill Gates said in response to Thomas Stewart’s article ‘The Human Body as Supercomputer’, “DNA isn’t just similar; It has more similarities than differences with computers.“
Your DNA is the most sophisticated and complex protein-based language system in existence, and it has the ability to rearrange its genes (protein-coding regions) to adapt to the environment and the needs of your body.
DNA’s double helix structure is wound up around proteins called histones and compressed into an incredibly tiny space (about 6000 times smaller than the head of a pin). If you were to stretch out DNA from each cell, it would reach about six and a half feet in length!
Glutathione Can Help Protect Your DNA
L-Glutathione Setria®
L-Glutathione (Setria®) Doctor Formulated • PURE REDUCED FORM • Clinical Potency NO ADDITIVES • NO GLUTEN 30 Capsules • Dietary Supplement L-Glutathione Setria® is a well-studied form of the Reduced L-Glutathione, proven in a randomized double-blind human clinical study to support Antioxidant Activity and… read more
Your body has built-in mechanisms to help protect your DNA. For example, there are sophisticated detoxification pathways that eliminate both the toxic byproducts of your metabolism as well as chemicals you may have been exposed to from the environment.
Did you know Glutathione is the most abundant antioxidant in our bodies?
Glutathione is known as the master antioxidant and is one of the most important and powerful antioxidants in your body.
Glutathione levels in the body may be reduced by a number of factors, including poor nutrition, environmental toxins, and stress. Glutathione levels may also drop dramatically during aging.
Most Americans Are Missing Out On The Benefits Of Glutathione
A diet low in glutathione can lead to an increased risk of environmental toxins and health problems. Since most Americans don’t get enough Glutathione in their food they’re missing out on all sorts of benefits from this essential nutrient, including:
- Help fight against inflammatory factors
- Powerful antioxidant support
- Elimination of toxins and pollutants
- Support heart and blood pressure health
The best way to get rid of toxins is by eating a healthy diet, but if you’re exposed to toxins regularly or have an unbalanced immune system, consider supplementing with oral glutathione.
Emerald Labs Doctor Formulated (Setria®) L-Glutathione is a well-studied form of Reduced L-Glutathione that has been proven in a randomized double-blind human clinical study to help support Intracellular Antioxidant Activity, Cellular Detoxification and Immune Support*