Coconut Oil Organic
USDA Organic • Non-Hydrogenated • 65+ % MCT's
Additive-Free • Cold-Pressed • Gluten-Free
16 Ounces Pure Liquid • Dietary Supplement
Coconut Oil is Organic, Non-Hydrogenated, Extra Virgin with the healthy form of saturated fat . Coconut Oil also has high levels of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT's). Research has shown that the naturally high ketone content in coconut oils may help brain health. Emerald Coconut Oil is cold-pressed, non-copra, non-RBD, unrefined and unadulterated with over 65+% MCT's*
Emerald Labs has been family-owned and operated since our beginnings in 2001. We are committed to providing your family with formulas using supportive nutrient forms, manufactured at our facility without the use of additives.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.